Welcome to Cure with Homeopathy

Welcome to Cure with Homeopathy

Welcome to Cure with HomeopathyWelcome to Cure with HomeopathyWelcome to Cure with Homeopathy

Feel better the natural way!


Classical Homeopathy


Classical homeopathy uses a single remedy at a time. It believes it must improve the organism's defense mechanism in order to fight imbalance. It is based on the system of 'law of similars' and the principle of 'like cures like'. This principle was founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He published a complete account of his theories in his book "Organon of the Art of Healing" in 1810.

Natural Healing


Our goal as classical homeopaths is to provide a remedy that will raise your level of health and combat disease by pushing it out rather than suppressing it. Our remedies are made from natural minerals, plants and venoms. They are used in various potencies and are prescribed according to the personal sensitivity of each patient.

Our Promise to You


We care about your well being and will provide you with guidance, knowledge, and tools needed to be healthy. We are here to help you achieve optimal wellness. We will take into account all of your symptoms, your habits, hereditary dispositions (constitution) and find the most suitable remedy and potency for you. 


Saniya Khan


Saniya Khan is a graduate from the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Greece. She has studied under some of the greatest homeopaths of this generation such as Dr. George Vithoulkas and Erik van Woensel

Like Cures Like


Our treatments use extreme dilutions of substances to induce healing. If a substance is able to cause symptoms in a healthy person, the same substance prepared as a homeopathic remedy can initiate the body's self healing process in a sick person.

Levels of Health


The goal of homeopathic treatment is to raise your overall level of health by locating the root of your health issues and reversing them naturally. Homeopathy can treat many chronic and acute diseases, rather than suppressing them. We are able to provide a deeper healing of mental, emotional, and physical complaints. 


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Cure with Homeopathy

Call or email us today!

(647) 997-0172 saniyahomeopathy@gmail.com


Open today

09:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm (By Appointment)

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: By appointment